Template Info

Template Buschwerk

Info DE: Template mit horizontaler Navigation, Metanavigation, Inhaltsbereich, optionaler Seitenspalte und Infobereichen (z.B. für Itemz). Codebeispiele siehe index.html.txt
LICENSE TERMS: Responsee is licenced under MIT, MFG Labs icon set under CC-BY 3.0 and SIL Open Font License, see license.txt. Background image by Florian Meerwinck, license WTFPL.

Info EN: Template with horizontal navigation, content area with optinal right margin column, several other blocks to display special contents from other modules. Examples see index.html.txt
LICENSE TERMS: Responsee is licenced under MIT, MFG Labs icon set under CC-BY 3.0 and SIL Open Font License, see license.txt. Background image by Florian Meerwinck, license WTFPL.

Autor / Author Florian Meerwinck
Lizenz / License Responsee is licenced under MIT, MFG Labs icon set under CC-BY 3.0 and SIL Open Font License, see license.txt. Background image by Florian Meerwinck, license WTFPL.
5 Blöcke / Blocks Inhalt, rechte Spalte, Infobereich oben, Infobereich unten, nicht zeigen
3 Menüs / MenusHauptnavigation, Metanavigation, nicht in Nav.
Menüart / Menu style Horizontal
Frontend-Anmeldung / Frontend login
Suche / Search
Responsiv / Responsive