Template intensivstation

Info DE: Adaption des Templates Intensify

Info EN: Intensivstation is a simple and bright business-oriented website template with a mobile-friendly Menu.

Autor / Author https://templated.co/intensify, CMS adaptations for WBCE by N. Gumbrecht, grafik-job.de
Lizenz / License Common Public Attribution License Version 3.0. You are free to use Intensivstation Template in personal or commercial projects as long as you keep the attribution notice.
6 Blöcke / Blocks Mainblock, Sideblock, Red block, Footer, Banner, not showing
2 Menüs / MenusMainmenu, not in the menue
Menüart / Menu style Vertikal links
Frontend-Anmeldung / Frontend login
Suche / Search
Responsiv / Responsive